简介:Alien reporters Ixbee, Pixbee and Squee travel to a lovely but odd planet called Earth, where they attempt to make sense of humans and their hobbies.
简介:Centred on the indomitable character of Imelda Marcos, The Kingmaker examines, with unprecedented access, the Marcos family’s improbable return to power in the Philippines. The film explores the disturbing legacy of the Marcos regime and chronicles Imelda’s present-day push to help her son, Bongbong, win the vice-presidency. To this end, Imelda confidently rewrites her family’s history of corruption, replacing it with a narrative of a matriarch’s extravagant love for her country.
简介:A group visits Saipan to search for locations for their companys newest resort. As they find what they think is the perfect spot, they discover a hidden bunker on the property which they decide to explore. However, they soon find out that curiosity can kill. As each member faces their most private secrets and the secrets of the bunker itself, the results lead to a most shocking conclusion.
简介:魔幻战争逐渐进入高潮阶段。霍比特人弗拉多(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)携带着魔戒,与伙伴山姆(Sean Astin 饰)以及狡猾阴暗的咕噜等前往末日山,一路上艰难险阻不断,魔君索伦为阻止魔戒被销毁用尽全力阻挠。另一方面,白袍巫师甘道夫(伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)率中土勇士们镇守刚铎首都——白城米那斯提里斯。魔兽大军压境,黑暗与光明的决战即将来临…… 本片是指环王三部曲的终结篇,根据英国作家J.R.R.托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)同名魔幻巨著《指环王》(The Lord of the Rings)改编,并荣获2004年第76届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑、最佳艺术指导、最佳服装设计、最佳化妆、最佳视觉效果、最佳音效、最佳配乐和最佳歌曲等11项大奖。
简介:圣丹斯电影节非虚构类最佳短片得主《约翰的太空寻人启事(John Was Trying to Contact Aliens)》。这部16分钟的短片,由英国导演Matthew Killip执导,主要讲述了John Shepherd在密歇根的家中花了30年时间试图联系外星人的故事。他使用大量的高科技设备将雷鬼、非洲节拍、爵士乐和东方音乐传送到数百万英里以外的地方。
简介:《孩子本色》、《亨利生日派对》导演 Stephen Cone 载誉归来,向香港同志影展观众呈献全新成长电影《公主成人礼》。年少丧母、与郁郁寡欢的父亲同住的主角Cyd一直渴望能离家透透气。到了十六岁这年,她终于可以借着去阿姨家渡假的机会,独自前往另一座城市。这个暑假,Cyd不只与在邻近咖啡店上班的女孩发展出一段仲夏之恋,更与知名小说家阿姨大谈跨世代女性爱情观,学习如何面对悲伤、勇敢走出各种人生低谷,携手成长。